i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Jessmiex: You mean for eye primer or?
Yuling: Lol, that st james party was the fun-est party ever!
Ahhhhh, this friday i can't go leh!
Cos saturday need to wake up eaaaaarly! ):
S.E: Ardell fake eyelash glue (:
Huiting: Hahahas, thanks babe!
Yours was really cute as well! kitty kittttty =D
Lynn: Hey babe, my course in MDIS cost 5.8K
before 7% gst, and the total duration is one year.
Sarahh: Oh no no no..
i RIPPED it off his face at the end of the night,
leaving a huge, bad ass scar on his poor face!
Ly: Awww! That's very sweet! thanks! :D
Chester: Hahahas, thank you for the kind comment!
Lol, but i'm not exactly interested in that
ahem "path to stardom" thingy. hahahs
Jasmine: Yes! He is so darn cool man.
I wanted to do all of the makeup looks on leon!
Lol, no luh, i didnt have alot of the things needed,
hahahs not even the M.A.C red pigments.
I had to use mummy's red lipstick! Hahahahas
Queenie: Lol! I don't think i will bother to do
anything to spite a kid like her, but oh wells!
Hahahahs, we should live our own life without bothering
about all these stupid comments and dress our own way we love!
About the mac mineral foundation, have you tried it?
I was very tempted to get that and the msf the other day!
KT: Join sprees! (:
Ana: thanks for helping me answer! Hehe,
kinda frustrating getting the same qns all the time! lol.
Someone:D: Omg, you're like making me blush like crazy.
my cheeks are feeling waaaaaaarm! Hahahahs
And thanks for the compliments! :D
Passerby: Eh, who's grace?
Ana: Yah, there's this red wine essence i'm using
and they say its for whitening!
-lyne: Hahahahs, thank you!
Jess: Humph! you so mean! You break up with james
you treat him so good but you treat me like shit!
i haaaaaaaate yoooooou! @#$%^ LOL!
Shirley G: Ohhhh! I didnt know mar!
what 10 cent 5 cent as if it's some international lingo!
Lol, of cos lah, leon's house so much mosqitoes,
And my blood soooooo sweet, confirm got alot of mozzie scars~!
R: Lol, i don't understand why are you people
arguing about such stupid things.
Seriously, if you want to treat whatever i say as a joke.
By all means, you're welcome to do that.
you're merely just another reader, not even an aquantiance (:
I seriously don't give a damn even if you insist that
i'm not 48kg, Or even if you think i'm 108kg.
I don't give a damn babe. (:
Ayame: Awww, you're such a sweet daughter!
Hahahas, if he has access to a microwave
at his work pantry then he can re-heat it.
Boyf says when he eats it it's always like room temp thou.
Hahahahs, he doesn't mind cos he still feels that it's very sweet! :D
I'm sure your daddy won't mind like room temp room!
Peggy: I love it toooo! Hahahahs
Shirley G: Hahahas, You are so cute i wanna kiss yoooooou!
Tengli: Hey sweetie, no worries lah!
Hahahahs very easy to stick back one. :P
Sponsered Advertorial:
Your eyes are the windows to your soul,
That's indeed very true!
In fact, if i could only choose a part of my face that
i can have makeup on, it must be my eye makeup.
In every single conversation, eye contact is so important,
It's the part of the face where everyone looks at!
I usually wear clear contacts,
Because it's really pointless for me
to wear those pupils enlarging lenses,
I wore it once when i went out with a friend,
and he told me he could actually see my pupils and
they are bigger than the "big-eye lenses rims" lol.
So i feel like extremely retarded. 0.0"
But many of my gfs swear by them, and they always tell me
how dependent they are on these big-eye lenses
cos if they went out without those they will feel funny,
like as if their eyes are not as attractive anymore.
Who wouldn't love girls with big round, shiny eyes!
I've wanted to try out coloured lenses for the longest time,
But didnt because i heard stories about coloured lenses
being more uncomfortable and dry than clear contacts.
Allan from http://sglenses.blogspot.com/ was really
sweet to sponser me 2 pairs of Geo lenses!
As most of you girls would prolly already know,
Geo lenses are imported from Korea and it's one
of the biggie big-eye lenses company in Korea.
At only what?! 18 dollars per pair of lenses for a one-year usage?!
That's like extremely affordable can!
So it's time to chuck away your old
metal spectacle frames and order some lenses!
And plus plus, attract boys with your alluring, big shiny eyes!
How sweet! :D
when i whipped out my camera. LOL
Ahhhh, the other day me and boyf bathed 5 of
our babieeees and we had to trim their nails!
Hehe, my guinea pigs are very easy to handle
cos all i have to do is stuff carrot into their cute tiny mouth
(BRIBE THEM!) and they will like willingly let you hold
their super cute tiny paws to trim their nails!
i've been receiving so many packages for blogshop advertorials,
my spree loots and ebay buys, the day before, i open my mailbox,
It was FULL with packages, like 5 of them, and yesterday also full,
Two HUGEEEEE packages, And today, Full again! 4 packages!!!
I'm so acustomed to seeing my mailbox being filled to the
brim with all the lovely packaged squashed together!
I love my life. Lol.
Btw, i don't understand why would there even be Blogger-haters,
(Which sounds totally lame, but weirdo do exist)
or simply people who have too much time on their hands.
Like, hellooooooo, say whatever you wanna say.
You think i will give a damn? Goodness.
I'm well pass the age when i would whine or maybe cry
about bad comments towards me please.
I think one of the beeeeeestest best best best thing about me is that
i'm a very "i don't care about anything" person.
You can say your shit and do your shit,
So as long as things work the way i want,
i'm fine with anything.
Hellooooo, kiddies. Welcome to my world man.
You can say oh you have big boobs and
you show off your clevage and you're a SLUT.
Kiddie Kiddie Kiddie, Lol.
Do you even know what does being a slut mean?
And you can say i'm not 48kg, or i'm 88kg (very lucky number thou)
I don't give a daaaaaaamn, say whateeeeever you want!
Just because i'm a damn blogger/freelance-model/leon's gf
doesn't mean i have to fit YOUR standard of being slim!
And your standard of slim is what? Stick figured?
I'm not interested to be stick figured,
i loooove my boobs and my ass
and whatever shit i have on my body.
Aiyah, i'm just in this bitchy and i wanna complain mood.
Okay so anyway,
I'm like super tired ah,
Slept super late last night, cos i die die wanted to finish
reading this book i have been reading for the past 2 days.
Boyf bought breakfast over to my house at like 9am and
we watched some mummy boy's movie and hug in bed
till he had to leave for schoooool.
Then i spent all afternoon baking cinammon rolls for
cellgroup at night, And they're aaaaaaall gone (AGAIN!)
and this time i only ate like 1 roll!
NOW! I wanna go watch Eleventh Hour and Fringe now!
I'm very attracted to that kinda show recently.
My friend from cellgroup told me nate from gossip girl is GAY?
DAMN! why are all the good looking people gay?!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves!
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